Major airports near atlantic city
Major airports near atlantic city

major airports near atlantic city

This list only includes airports designated as Commercial service – primary (P). ROLE – One of four FAA airport categories.ICAO – The location indicator assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).Those that do not match the FAA code are shown in bold. IATA – The airport code assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).These are linked to that airport's page in the state's airport directory, where available.

major airports near atlantic city

FAA – The location identifier assigned by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).This is not always the actual location since some airports are located in smaller towns outside of the city they serve. CITY – The city generally associated with the airport.This list of primary airports contains the following information: Airports in the United States that provide scheduled passenger services and have over 10,000 passenger boardings per year are classified as primary airports by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Major airports near atlantic city